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Special Slices

Spreading Awareness, One Slice at a Time

Manga with a Mission



Brand Identity


Brand Creation


Pulse Branding partnered with Xiersen to create "Special Slices," a manga series designed to promote the inclusion of special needs adults. Our challenge was to develop a visual identity and online platform that resonate emotionally and intellectually with a broad audience. The result is a vibrant, engaging brand that tells a story of inclusion and acceptance, reaching hearts and minds through the universal language of manga.

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  • need

    To create an inclusive brand identity that educates and resonates with a global audience on special needs awareness.

  • solution

    We designed a bold, manga-inspired visual identity and a user-centric website to convey the series' mission of inclusion effectively.

  • achievement

    A cohesive brand and digital presence that not only amplifies the message of inclusion but also connects deeply with a diverse audience, driving both awareness and engagement.

  • Deliverables

    • Brand Naming

    • Brand Strategy

    • Logo

    • Visual Identity

    • Instinct Insight

    • Neuro Consumer Insight

    • Packaging

    • Merchandise

    • Trademark Registration

    • Poster

    • Video Production

    • Web Design + Development

    • Social Media Content

    • Social Media Management

    • WeChat Public Account Content

    • WeChat Public Account Management

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