WeKwikGene Website Privacy Policy

Effective Date: February 22, 2023

Welcome to the WeKwikGene Plasmid Repository website operated byWestlake Laboratory (Westlake Laboratory of Life Sciences and Biomedicine inZhejiang Province) (hereinafter referred to as "WestlakeLaboratory"). We understandthe importance of personal information to you, and your trust is crucial to us.We will strictly comply with legal requirements and take appropriate securitymeasures. Based on this, Westlake Laboratory has formulated this "WeKwikGeneWebsite Privacy Policy" (hereinafter referred to as "this PrivacyPolicy" or "this Agreement") to help users (hereinafter referredto as "you") and affiliated parties fully understand how we collect,use, share, store, and protect your personal information during your use of theWeKwikGenePlasmid Repository website and how you can manage your personalinformation, so that you can make informed choices. This Privacy Policy is avalid contract based on the WeKwikGenePlasmid Repository website services.Please carefully read all the contents of the Privacy Policy before acceptingit to ensure full understanding of the provisions in this Privacy Policy.

By clicking "Accept" on thewebsite/mobile page or accepting this agreement in any other way, you indicatethat you have reached an agreement with Westlake Laboratory and agree to acceptall the terms and conditions of this agreement and all the related rules. Ifyou are under 18 years old, please read and fully understand this agreementwith the accompaniment of your legal guardian and obtain the consent of yourlegal guardian before accepting this agreement.

When you use the WeKwikGene Plasmid Repository website or services provided by Westlake Laboratorypersonnel, we will collect, process, and disclose your information inaccordance with this Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy will help youunderstand the following:

I. Scope of Application

II. Collection and Use of UserInformation

III. How We Use Cookies and RelatedTechnologies

IV. Sharing, Transfer, and PublicDisclosure of User Information

V. User Business Data

VI. Management of User Information

VII. Security of User Information

VIII. Protection of Information ofMinors

IX. Your Rights

X. Legal Statement and Updates to thePrivacy Policy

XI. How to Contact Us

I. Scope of Application

  1. This Privacy Policy applies to the WeKwikGene     Plasmid Repository website provided by Westlake Laboratory. The services     include providing you with page browsing, Request Plasmids, Deposit     Plasmids, and technical services provided to you through the official     website of Westlake Laboratory or by Westlake Laboratory personnel.
  2. Our services may contain links to third-party     websites, applications, or services. This Privacy Policy does not apply to     any products, services, websites, or content provided by third parties.
  3. It is important to note that as a user of the     official website services provided by Westlake Laboratory, if you utilize     the official services of the WeKwikGene Plasmid Repository website     provided by Westlake Laboratory to provide services to your users, as your     business data belongs to you, you should separately agree on a privacy     policy with your users.

II. Collection and Use of User Information

2.1 Collection of User Information

  1. When you use the WeKwikGene Plasmid Repository     website provided by Westlake Laboratory, you are required to provide us     with key information, including Lab Name, Lab Website URL, Supervisor     Name, Supervisor Email, Department, University/Institute/Company, Street     Address, City, Province, ZIP code, etc. These pieces of information will     serve as one of the designated contact methods between you and Westlake     Laboratory. They will be used to receive business notifications from the WeKwikGene     Plasmid Repository website (such as new product launches, service changes,     real-time messages, etc.), and Westlake Laboratory may use this contact     information to send you business notifications (including Wishlist status     updates) or communicate with you regarding business matters.
  2. Before you officially use the services provided by     the WeKwikGene Plasmid Repository website, in accordance with the laws of     the People's Republic of China, Westlake Laboratory will display the     information you need to submit on the website page (including required and     optional information). The information displayed on the website page at     that time shall prevail. If you do not require certain services, you are     not obligated to provide the relevant information.
  3. During your use of the services, based on the     specific permissions you authorize during software browsing and usage, we     will receive and record device-related information (such as device model,     operating system version, browser version, unique device identifiers, and     other software and hardware characteristics) and device location-related     information (such as IP address, GPS location, and sensor information from     Wi-Fi access points that can provide relevant information). We may     associate the two types of information to provide consistent services     across different devices.
  4. When you use the services provided by the WeKwikGene     Plasmid Repository website, we will automatically collect and store     detailed information about your use of our services as network logs. For     example, your search queries, IP address, telecommunications carrier,     language used, access date and time, and browsing history of the web pages     you visit.
  5. Please note that individual device information,     log information, browser versions, etc., cannot identify specific     individuals. If we combine such non-personal information with other     information to identify specific individuals or use it in conjunction with     personal information, during the period of combination, such non-personal     information will be treated as personal information. Unless we obtain your     authorization or as otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations, we will     anonymize and de-identify such personal information.
  6. Westlake Laboratory will use the user consultation     records, fault reporting records, and troubleshooting processes related to     user issues (such as communication or call records) generated from your     use of the WeKwikGene Plasmid Repository website services to record,     analyze, and respond more promptly to your requests for assistance, as     well as to improve the services.

2.2 Purposes of Information Collection

  1. To provide you with the services of the WeKwikGene     Plasmid Repository website.
  2. To maintain, improve, and upgrade the WeKwikGene     Plasmid Repository website (such as using the business contact person's     mobile number and email address you provided for receiving business     notifications and conducting business communications).
  3. Based on user information statistics, we may     design, develop, maintain, and promote new WeKwikGene websites or related     services.
  4. We may compile statistics on the usage of our     services and may share these statistics with the public or third parties.     However, these statistics will not contain any personally identifiable     information about you.
  5. Within the scope permitted by laws and     regulations, to promote and introduce Westlake Laboratory's scientific     research products or services to you.
  6. In order to enhance the security of your use of     our services, Westlake Laboratory's official website, and to protect your     personal and property safety, as well as the safety of other users and the     public, and to better prevent phishing websites, fraud, network     vulnerabilities, computer viruses, network attacks, network intrusions,     and other security risks, we may use your personal information submitted     on the website, integrate device information, relevant network log     information, and other information collected by Westlake Laboratory to     determine whether there are any risks associated with your account,     device, or website, to perform identity verification, detection, and     prevention of security incidents, and to take necessary measures such as     recording, auditing, analysis, and disposal in accordance with laws and     regulations.
  7. Other purposes permitted by your consent and/or by     applicable laws.

III. How We Use Cookies and Related Technologies

We may collect and use your information through cookiesand other related technologies. The specific purposes for which we use cookiesinclude:

  1. Remembering your identity, for example, cookies     help us recognize the Wishlist you submit on our platform.
  2. Analyzing your usage of the WeKwikGene Plasmid     Repository website in order to provide you with more thoughtful     personalized services, including but not limited to customized pages,     plasmid recommendations, and service tracking. You can refuse or manage     cookies through browser settings. However, please note that if you disable     cookies, you may not be able to enjoy a high-quality website service     experience, and the availability of certain functions may be affected. We     will not use cookies for purposes other than those described in this Privacy     Policy.

IV. Sharing, Transfer, and Public Disclosure of UserInformation

4.1 Information Sharing We will not share your userinformation with any other organizations or individuals, except in thefollowing circumstances:

  1. With your explicit consent, we may share your user     information with other parties.
  2. We may share your user information with external     parties in accordance with laws, regulations, litigation, arbitration     needs, or requests made by administrative or judicial authorities in     accordance with the law.
  3. Shared among affiliated services, your user     information may be shared with other services provided by Westlake     Laboratory. We will only share the user information necessary for     providing the services and it will be subject to the purposes stated in     this privacy policy. If the affiliated services intend to change the     processing purposes of user information or use user information for other     purposes not stipulated in this privacy policy, your authorization and     consent will be sought again.
  4. We may engage trusted cooperating companies to     provide website technical development services. Therefore, we may share     certain user information with these development companies to provide     better customer service and optimize user experience. We will only share     your user information for legitimate, lawful, necessary, specific, and     explicit purposes, and only the user information necessary for providing     technical development services will be shared. Our technical partners are     not authorized to use the shared user information for any other purposes.     Currently, our authorized partners include the following types: website     technical development service providers, website page design service     providers, and other cooperative partners. We send information to vendors     that support our business, including providing user authentication     services, basic technical services, page design services, technical     consulting, data analysis storage, and other professional services. We     will sign strict confidentiality agreements or include confidentiality     clauses in the agreements with the units, companies, organizations, and     individuals with whom we share user information, requiring them to handle     user information in accordance with our instructions, this privacy policy,     and any other relevant confidentiality and security measures.

4.2 Information Transfer

We will not transfer your user information to anyunits, companies, organizations, or individuals, except in the followingcircumstances:

  1. With your explicit consent, we may transfer your     user information to other parties.
  2. In the event of mergers, acquisitions, or     revocation by the supervisory authority involving Westlake Laboratory and     other legal entities, or other circumstances involving mergers,     acquisitions, or revocation, if the transfer of user information is involved,     we will require the new unit, company, organization, or individual holding     your user information to continue to be bound by this privacy policy.     Otherwise, we will require the unit, company, organization, or individual     to seek your authorization and consent again.

4.3 Information Public Disclosure

We will only disclose your user information publiclyunder the following circumstances:

  1. With your explicit consent or based on your active     choice, we may publicly disclose your user information.
  2. To protect the personal and property safety of     users of the official platforms of Westlake Laboratory and its affiliated     services or the public, we may disclose your user information in     accordance with applicable laws and regulations or relevant agreements and     rules of the official platforms of Westlake Laboratory.

4.4 Exceptions to Obtaining Prior Authorization andConsent for Sharing, Transfer, and Public Disclosure of User Information

Obtaining your prior authorization and consent is notrequired for sharing, transfer, and public disclosure of your user informationin the following circumstances:

  1. Related to national security and defense security.
  2. Related to public safety, public health, and     significant public interests.
  3. Related to criminal investigations, prosecutions,     trials, and enforcement of judgments.
  4. Necessary to protect your or other individuals'     vital legitimate interests, but it is difficult to obtain your consent.
  5. Personal information that you voluntarily disclose     to the public.
  6. Related to your fulfillment of obligations     stipulated by laws and regulations.
  7. Collected from legally disclosed information, such     as legal news reports, government information disclosure, and other     channels.

V. User Business Data

  1. The business data that you analyze, process,     store, upload, download, distribute, and handle through other means during     your use of the WeKwikGene Plasmid Repository website provided by Westlake     Laboratory are considered your user business data, and you have complete     ownership and management rights over your business data. As the service     provider, Westlake Laboratory will strictly follow your instructions in     handling your business data and will not engage in any unauthorized use or     disclosure of your business data, except as agreed upon by you or as     required by explicit legal and regulatory obligations or by administrative     or judicial authorities.
  2. Westlake Laboratory advises you to exercise     caution in assessing the legality of the data source and content. You     should ensure that the data is collected and used in accordance with the     law (including but not limited to entrusted processing) and that you do     not infringe upon the legal rights and interests of any individual or     entity in any way. You understand and agree that China and other countries     or regions may have laws and regulations pertaining to data security,     storage, and cross-border transmission. Before storing, transmitting,     downloading, distributing, or performing any operations on your business     data using Westlake Laboratory's website services, you should comply with     the relevant laws and regulations in the applicable regions and conduct     sufficient and necessary evaluations and approvals to ensure compliance     with the relevant provisions. Otherwise, you will bear all consequences     and liabilities on your own. You are solely responsible for any     consequences and liabilities arising from the collection, content, or     processing of your business data that violate laws, regulations,     departmental rules, or national policies.
  3. In accordance with your agreement with Westlake     Laboratory, user business data will be stored on internal servers within     the laboratory. Westlake Laboratory will protect the user business data     stored on its services in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.     However, this does not apply in cases where you fail to comply with     relevant laws and regulations, or where data is lost due to resource     expiration or failure to timely receive plasmids, among other     circumstances.

VI. Management of User Information

You have the right to access, modify, and delete youruser information. Different requirements may apply to accessing, modifying, anddeleting different types of information, considering factors such as accountsecurity, protection of legal rights, and legitimate reasons related totechnical logic, legal and regulatory requirements, and information security.Therefore, certain information may not be accessible, modifiable, or deletable(e.g., you may not be able to change the automatically assigned account ID).

If you need to change the user information you havesubmitted on the WeKwikGene Plasmid Repository website, you should contact usthrough the official email address of Westlake Laboratory and follow theinstructions provided by the WeKwikGene Plasmid Repository website 's technicaladministrators.

In the following situations, you can request thedeletion of your user information:

  1. If our processing of user information violates     laws and regulations.
  2. Unless otherwise provided hereunder, if we collect     and use your user information without obtaining your explicit consent.
  3. If our processing of personal information     seriously violates the agreement between Westlake Laboratory and you. We     may request identity verification first (you may need to provide a written     request or prove your identity in other ways) before processing your     request.
  4. You can deactivate your account. After successful     deactivation, we will cease to provide products or website services to     you, and all services and data under that account may be deleted and     cannot be recovered. Additionally, we will delete your personal     information or anonymize it according to your request, except as otherwise     provided by laws and regulations.

VII. Security of User Information

  1. Westlake Laboratory attaches great importance to     the security of your information. We strive to implement various     reasonable physical, electronic, technical, and managerial security     measures to protect your user information, preventing unauthorized access,     disclosure, use, modification, damage, or loss of user information. We use     encryption technology to ensure the security of user information. We     employ reliable protection mechanisms to prevent malicious attacks on user     information. We deploy access control mechanisms to ensure that only     authorized personnel can access user information.
  2. We will take reasonable and feasible measures to     avoid collecting irrelevant user information. We will only retain your     user information for the duration necessary to achieve the purposes     described in these privacy terms or required by law unless an extension is     required or permitted by law. After the aforementioned retention period     for user information has expired, we will delete or anonymize your     personal information.
  3. In the future, if the WeKwikGene Plasmid     Repository website provides login and registration functions, please use     complex passwords to assist us in ensuring the security of your account.     We will make every effort to ensure the security of any information you     send to us.
  4. Please understand that due to technological     limitations and the possible existence of various malicious methods, it is     not possible to guarantee the absolute security of information in the     Internet environment, even with the utmost effort to strengthen security     measures. You need to understand that the systems and communication     networks you use to access our services may experience problems beyond our     control. In the unfortunate event of a user information security incident     (such as leakage or loss), we will promptly inform you in accordance with     the requirements of laws and regulations, including the basic situation     and potential impact of the security incident, the disposal measures we     have taken or will take, suggestions for you to autonomously prevent or     reduce risks, and remedial measures for you. We will inform you of the     relevant details of the incident through methods such as email, letters,     phone calls, and push notifications. When it is difficult to inform each     user individually, we will release announcements on our website in a     reasonable and effective manner.
  5. At the same time, we will report the handling of     user information security incidents in accordance with the requirements of     regulatory authorities.
  6. In accordance with relevant laws and regulations,     we will store the user information collected in mainland China within the     territory of mainland China. If it is necessary to transfer user     information overseas due to business needs in accordance with applicable     laws and regulations, we will seek your consent in advance and inform you     of the purpose of the outbound transfer, the recipient, security measures,     security risks, and other relevant information.
  7. In the event of the cessation of operation of     Westlake Laboratory's products and website services, we will take     reasonable measures to protect the security of your user information,     including promptly discontinuing activities related to the collection of     user information. Notices of the cessation of operation will be delivered     individually or in the form of announcements to users. Furthermore, we     will delete or anonymize the personal information we hold.

VIII.Protection of Minors' Information

1.      Weprimarily provide WeKwikGene Plasmid Repository website services to adults. Ifyou are a minor, we require you to have your parents or guardians carefullyread these privacy terms and use our website services or provide information tous only with the consent of your parents or guardians.

2.      Incases where we collect personal information of minors with the consent ofparents or guardians for the use of our website services, we will only use,share, transfer, or disclose user information in accordance with applicablelaws and regulations, explicit consent from parents or guardians, or when it isnecessary to protect the interests of minors.

IX.Your Rights

In accordance with relevant laws, regulations, standards of thePeople's Republic of China, as well as common practices in other countries andregions, we guarantee your rights to exercise the following regarding yourpersonal information:

1.        You have the right to access your user information by logging intoyour account on the Westlake Laboratory WeKwikGene Plasmid Repository website(if the platform provides user login and registration functions in the future),except for exceptions provided by laws and regulations. If you are unable toaccess your user information, you can contact the official phone number oremail address provided on the Westlake Laboratory official website, and we willrespond to your access request within 30 days. For other user informationgenerated by your use of our website services, within reasonable technicalmeans and cost limitations, we will provide you with such information.

2.        You have the right to correct your user information. When you findany errors in the personal information we process about you, you have the rightto request us to make corrections. You can contact the official email addressprovided on the WeKwikGene Plasmid Repository website, and we will respond toyour correction request within 30 days.

3.        You have the right to change the scope of your authorized consent.Each business function requires some basic user information to be completed.For the collection and use of user information beyond business needs, you cangive or withdraw your consent at any time. Once you withdraw your consent, wewill no longer process the corresponding user information. However, yourdecision to withdraw consent will not affect the processing of user informationthat was conducted based on your previous consent.

4.       To respond to your above-mentioned requests as soon as possiblewhile ensuring information security, you may need to provide a written requestor provide other means to prove your identity. We may request verification ofyour user identity before processing your request. We will respond within 30days. For reasonable requests, we generally do not charge any fees. However,for repeated or excessive requests beyond reasonable limits, we may chargecertain costs depending on the situation. We may refuse requests that areunreasonably repetitive, require excessive technical means (such as developingnew systems or fundamentally changing existing practices), pose risks to thelegitimate rights and interests of others, or are highly impractical (such asinvolving information stored on backup tapes).

X. Revision of Legal Statements and Privacy Policy We may revise thelegal statements and privacy policy from time to time, and such revisions shallform part of this privacy policy statement. If any revision results in asubstantial reduction of your rights under this privacy policy or significantchanges in the rules regarding the collection and use of information, we willprovide a prominent notice on the WeKwikGene Plasmid Repository website ofWestlake Laboratory or notify you through email or other means before therevisions come into effect. In such a case, if you continue to use our websiteservices, it indicates that you agree to be bound by the revised privacypolicy.

XI.     How to Contact Us If you have any questions or opinions regarding thisprivacy policy or the contents of the user agreement, or if you have anyquestions or opinions about the implementation of this privacy policy byWestlake Laboratory, you can contact us through the official contactinformation on the WeKwikGene Plasmid Repository website of WestlakeLaboratory:

Email: wekwikgene@westlake.edu.cn

Address: No. 18 Shilongshan Street, Xihu District,Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China Postal Code: 310024

In order to efficiently handle your inquiries andprovide timely feedback, we may require you to provide identification, validcontact information, written requests, or other relevant evidence. We willrespond to you within 30 days after verifying your identity.

If you are not satisfied with our response or have anydisputes regarding the contents of this agreement, you should first seek anamicable resolution. If no agreement can be reached through negotiation within30 days from the date of the dispute, you may file a lawsuit with the people'scourt in the jurisdiction where Westlake Laboratory is located.

WeKwikGene Website User Agreement

WeKwikGene Website User Agreement
Effective Date: February 22, 2023
Respected User: Hello!
Welcome to use the WeKwikGene Plasmid Repository website operated by Westlake Laboratory (Westlake Laboratory of Life Sciences and Biomedicine in Zhejiang Province, hereinafter referred to as "Westlake Laboratory").
Important Notice: The WeKwikGene Plasmid Repository website hereby reminds you that if you intend to access and use the WeKwikGene Plasmid Repository website, please carefully read and understand the contents of this User Agreement in advance, including the disclaimer that exempts or limits the liability of the WeKwikGene Plasmid Repository website and the restrictions on your rights. You should possess the civil capacity to conduct civil activities in accordance with the laws of the People's Republic of China. If you do not have the civil capacity to sign this User Agreement, please ensure that your parents or guardians agree to all your actions. In this case, you and your parents or guardians shall bear all the consequences resulting therefrom in accordance with the law. Once you start accessing and using the WeKwikGene Plasmid Repository website, it means that you agree to and accept all the provisions of this User Agreement. This agreement constitutes a formal legal document that legally binds you. Otherwise, please refrain from continuing to access and use the website. If you represent a company or other entity in using the services provided by the WeKwikGene Plasmid Repository website, you shall undertake to Westlake Laboratory that you have the authority to represent the company or entity, and your acceptance of this agreement shall be deemed as the company or entity you represent agreeing to and accepting this agreement. If you use the plasmid storage service provided by the WeKwikGene Plasmid Repository website as an uploader, submitter, or disseminator of content, you must ensure that you have obtained the necessary licenses or authorizations for the respective content.
Agreement Provisions
The ownership and operation rights of the WeKwikGene Plasmid Repository website provided by Westlake Laboratory belong to Westlake Laboratory. Users must agree to this agreement and its privacy provisions in order to become formal users of the WeKwikGene Plasmid Repository website and enjoy the various services provided by this website, including future website features (such as user registration, login functions, etc.).
Service Notes
The WeKwikGene Plasmid Repository website is a plasmid storage library operated by Westlake Laboratory. Users can perform operations such as Request Plasmids and Deposit Plasmids on the plasmid repository website. If the plasmids or other information uploaded by users infringe upon the legal rights of others, they shall bear the corresponding legal consequences themselves. This website does not assume any legal liability for such infringement. Please refer to the website's 'Disclaimer' for specific details.
2.1 User Requirements
Provide the necessary equipment for internet access, including personal computers or other essential devices;
Apply for broadband internet access services (such as ADSL, LAN, etc.);
Bear the personal internet access costs unrelated to the website services itself;
WeKwikGene Plasmid Repository website is a scientific research sharing platform that Westlake Laboratory provides for scientists to store plasmids free of charge. Any act of charging you under the guise of the platform should be carefully discerned to prevent online fraud. When necessary, please contact us or relevant law enforcement agencies in a timely manner.
User Authorization

In order to facilitate information exchange and communication and provide you with better services, please provide accurate and truthful personal information;
When you find that the personal information about you processed by us is incorrect or changes, you can contact us at any time to make corrections;
Contact information may be provided to the right holders when it does not involve infringement issues.
2.3 Circumstances Clarification The WeKwikGene Plasmid Repository website will not disclose your user information to the public, except in the following cases:
User authorizes the WeKwikGene Plasmid Repository website to disclose user information;
The corresponding laws and regulations and judicial/administrative procedures require Westlake Laboratory to provide users' personal information. If the information you provide contains incorrect information, Westlake Laboratory reserves the right to terminate your qualification to use the WeKwikGene Plasmid Repository website services at any time.
Statements and Guarantees
Users hereby declare and guarantee that they have the ownership or have obtained all necessary rights and assume full legal responsibility for all content uploaded or submitted to the WeKwikGene Plasmid Repository website, including but not limited to the right to use all rights related to the submitted plasmids, with the necessary permissions, authorizations, and licenses. Users understand that Westlake Laboratory may not have the right or ability to review the ownership issues of plasmids submitted by users. Users shall resolve ownership issues on their own and ensure that they do not infringe upon the legal rights of any entity, organization, or individual.
IV. Website Rules
It is forbidden to upload or submit content that violates laws and regulations and the regulations of the WeKwikGene Plasmid Repository website of Westlake Laboratory, including but not limited to the following:
1. It is forbidden to publish, disseminate, promote, endanger national sovereignty, attack Party and state leaders, deliberately undermine social stability, cults, reactionary, feudal superstition, obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terror, or instigate crimes;
2. It is forbidden to post low-level, unhealthy, excessive sexual topics or topics that are too private to be discussed in public; dirty, pornographic topics and pornographic jokes; contains links to viruses or malicious code;
3. It is forbidden to post horrific, murderous, visually objectionable images, revealing photos, pornographic and side-kicking images;
4. It is forbidden to publish documents containing personal privacy content, such as including your or others' phone numbers, email addresses, addresses and other contact information, as well as personal ID numbers, bank card numbers, etc.;
5. Do not make comments that discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, region, disability, or socioeconomic status;
6. Do not make remarks that cause harm to others, and do not make remarks that are detrimental to the growth of young people; It is forbidden to make personal attacks, insult or slander others, infringe upon the lawful rights and interests of others, and contain other content prohibited by laws, regulations, and administrative regulations; The uploader is responsible for the information uploaded on the network and its consequences, and those who violate various laws and regulations and other serious behaviors will bear the corresponding legal responsibility;
7. Do not publish the content, introduction or title of the document that involves advertising;
8. Do not publish pirated content, illegal reprinting or infringing content. The website of Westlake Laboratory WeKwikGene Plasmid Repository website does not assume legal responsibility for such infringement carried out by others on the website, and the legal responsibility for infringement shall be borne by me;
9. If the user uses different IDs to make a profit by self-trading, it will be regarded as cheating, and the WeKwikGene Plasmid Repository website reserves all the right to interpret and process, please refer to the "Infringement Processing" of this website for details;
10. In addition to the above, the User shall not violate the following prohibitions:
1) Do not impersonate any person or entity, or misleadingly and falsely represent that you are affiliated with any person or organization;
2) Do not use the plasmids and other scientific research data or information provided by the WeKwikGene Plasmid Repository website to deceive users and obtain illegal benefits;
3) Do not forge headers or otherwise manipulate identification information to mislead people into believing that the content is transmitted by the WeKwikGene Plasmid Repository website;
4) Do not upload, post, e-mail or otherwise transmit content that you do not have the right to upload (such as internal materials, confidential information, scientific research materials to be published);
5) You shall not upload, post, e-mail or otherwise transmit software viruses or other computer codes, files and programs that interfere with, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software, hardware or communication equipment, nor shall you interfere with or damage the services of this website or the servers and networks connected to the services of this website, or fail to comply with the terms of use of this website.
11. Users are solely responsible for the content uploaded, submitted, emailed or transmitted through the WeKwikGene Plasmid Repository website, and this website does not guarantee the legality, legitimacy, accuracy, completeness and quality of the content transmitted through this website. Users should fulfill their own browsing obligations before downloading to confirm the authenticity, accuracy and validity of the document or plasmid. This website has the right to save or disclose the content under the following circumstances:
1) As required by laws and regulations;
2) as provided for in these Terms of Service;
3) The infringed unit, organization or individual makes a claim;
4) To protect the rights, property or personal safety of this website, its users and the public;
5) Other circumstances that this website deems necessary.
12. It is forbidden to upload invalid or worthless documents and materials;
13. In case of serious violation of the above provisions, Westlake Lab will take measures such as prohibiting access and closing the account of the violator, and reserves the right to claim compensation for various losses;
14. By submitting plasmids or any information related to plasmids on the WeKwikGene Plasmid Repository website, the user is deemed to have read and agreed to the User Agreement of the WeKwikGene Plasmid Repository website. If you do not agree to the User Agreement and the above provisions, please do not submit plasmids or such information on the WeKwikGene Plasmid Repository website.
V. Amendment of Agreement
Westlake Lab has the right to modify the User Agreement when necessary, and once the User Agreement is changed, we will make a prominent reminder on the important page of the WeKwikGene Plasmid Repository website. If you do not agree to the modified content, you can take the initiative to cancel the network service you have obtained. If the user continues to browse the WeKwikGene Plasmid Repository website, it will be deemed to have accepted the changes to the User Agreement. Westlake Lab reserves the right to modify or interrupt the service at any time without informing users. Westlake Lab exercises the right to modify or interrupt the website services without being responsible for users or third parties.
VI. Security Guarantee
In the future, the WeKwikGene Plasmid Repository website may provide users with the function of registration and login, once the user registers successfully, subject to the user's compliance with this Agreement and other regulations of the WeKwikGene Plasmid Repository website, he or she will be deemed as a legitimate user of the WeKwikGene Plasmid Repository website, and will be given a password and username, and the user shall be fully responsible for the security of the username and password. In addition, each user is fully responsible for all activities and events carried out by their username. The user may change the password of the account at any time and may apply for a new account, but may not request the deletion of the old account. The user agrees to notify Westlake Lab immediately after discovering any illegal use of the user account, taking advantage of the security vulnerabilities of the website, using hacking technology to attack the website, submitting unauthorized plasmids, etc.
VII. Guarantee Agreement
The user personally bears the risk of using the network service, and Westlake Lab does not make any kind of guarantee, whether explicit or implied. Westlake Laboratory does not guarantee that the WeKwikGene Plasmid Repository website will meet the requirements of users, nor does it guarantee that the service will not be interrupted, and does not make any guarantee for the timeliness, security, and error occurrence of the service.
VIII. Accountability
Westlake Lab shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special and consequential damages suffered by users, which may come from improper use of network services by users or third parties, online purchase of services or similar services, online transactions, illegal use of network services or use of website resources in the name of Westlake Lab to obtain improper benefits. Such behavior may lead to damage to the image of Westlake Laboratory, and Westlake Laboratory reserves the right to pursue its relevant legal responsibilities.
IX. Storage Limitations
Westlake Lab has the right to dispose of the user information submitted by the user on the WeKwikGene Plasmid Repository website, and the user shall bear all legal responsibilities if there is any dispute over the illegal or infringing content of the information submitted by the user. Westlake Lab has the right to determine whether the user's behavior meets the basic requirements of the WeKwikGene Plasmid Repository website Terms of Service, and if the user violates the provisions of the Terms of Service, Westlake Lab has the right to interrupt, suspend or terminate the user's access to the WeKwikGene Plasmid Repository website services.
X. User Management
Users shall bear the legal responsibility for publishing content and submitting information. The user's use of the website services is in accordance with the applicable national, local and national legal standards applicable to the WeKwikGene Plasmid Repository website. Users must comply with:
1. All business data generated by the user's use of the plasmid bank website needs to be stored on a server in China in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China;
2. If the user needs to transfer the scientific research materials or business data related to the plasmid bank website from the territory of China to overseas, the relevant laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China must be complied with.
3. Do not use the network service for illegal purposes;
4. Do not interfere with or damage network services, and do not use any hacking techniques to attack the website;
5. Do not deliberately damage the servers and databases associated with the WeKwikGene Plasmid Repository website;
6. Comply with the network protocols, regulations, procedures and practices of all network services;
7. The user undertakes not to transmit any illegal, harassing, slanderous, abusive, threatening, harmful, vulgar or obscene information. In addition, the user shall not transmit any material that instigates others to commit a criminal act; shall not transmit information that adversely affects social stability and involves national security; not to transmit any material that does not comply with local, national and international laws; If the user walks and disseminates the above information on the WeKwikGene Plasmid Repository website, Westlake Lab has the right to cancel, refuse or delete any information published by the user (including the user's registered account) at any time and for any reason, without prior warning or prompt, and can restrict, temporarily freeze or terminate the user's continued access to the network service of the plasmid bank website at any time, and Westlake Lab will record the evidence that the user has violated the law;
8. The user shall abide by the "Law of the People's Republic of China on Guarding State Secrets", "Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China", "Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Security Protection of Computer Information Systems", "Regulations on the Protection of Computer Software", "Regulations on the Protection of the Right of Information Network Transmission" and other laws, regulations, rules and regulations related to privacy, human genetic resources, computers and the Internet. If a user violates the above laws and regulations, this website may terminate the service provided to the user at any time without prior notice. At the same time, this website welcomes users to report any violation of the above laws and regulations or infringement of the rights of others, once it is found that the illegal or infringing acts, Westlake Lab will record the evidence that may be used as the user's violation of the law or infringement;
9. As a scientific research plasmid sharing platform, WeKwikGene Plasmid Repository website and services is free and open to scientists, and the website will not charge any fees when conducting Request Plasmids, Deposit Plasmids, etc., and seek improper benefits in the name of the platform, Westlake Laboratory reserves the right to claim compensation for various losses and terminate its continued access to the website services.
XI. Termination of Service
The WeKwikGene Plasmid Repository website may at any time interrupt or suspend one or more of the services of the website, depending on the actual situation. If the user has any objection to the revised "User Agreement" or is dissatisfied with the service of the WeKwikGene Plasmid Repository website, the user can exercise the following rights:
1. Stop using the WeKwikGene Plasmid Repository website service;
2. Feedback to the WeKwikGene Plasmid Repository website webmaster through the official contact information of Westlake Laboratory.
After the end of the service, the user's right to use the network service will be terminated immediately. Thereafter, the user has no right, and the WeKwikGene Plasmid Repository website has no obligation, to transmit any unprocessed information or unfinished services to the user or third parties.
XII. Notice of Events
All notices to users will be sent by e-mail, regular mail, or in the form of announcements on the main pages of the WeKwikGene Plasmid Repository website. This is the form in which the Terms of Service are revised, the Site Services are changed, or other important events are notified. If the notice is made in the form of e-mail, it shall be deemed to have been delivered from the date on which the e-mail enters the recipient's system.
XIII. Advertising Conventions
The WeKwikGene Plasmid Repository website does not allow users to upload or publish any form of advertising, and the WeKwikGene Plasmid Repository website administrator will regularly review and filter the content involving advertisements. Advertising of any kind, including the transmission of goods, payments, services, commercial conditions, warranties and descriptions related to advertising, takes place only between the respective user and the advertiser. The WeKwikGene Plasmid Repository website assumes no responsibility and the WeKwikGene Plasmid Repository website is not under any obligation to accept any responsibility for such advertising.
XIV. Copyright Protection
(i) All the contents contained in the text, pictures, videos, icons, logos, various tangible products and promotional materials contained in the WeKwikGene Plasmid Repository website of Westlake Laboratory;(ii) the full contents of the official e-mail notice; and (iii) Plasmids etc. provided by WeKwikGene Plasmid Repository website for users, might be protected by copyright, trademark, and other laws. Without the legal authorization of Westlake Laboratory, users shall not use it for any purposes.
XV. Legal Notices
The terms of service of the website shall be governed by the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China (without giving effect to any choice of laws principles), and the user of the platform and the WeKwikGene Plasmid Repository website agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent court of the place where Westlake Laboratory is located. In the event of any conflict between the WeKwikGene Plasmid Repository User Agreement and the relevant laws of the People's Republic of China, these terms will be reinterpreted in full accordance with the laws of the People's Republic of China, while the other terms will remain legally valid and effective.
XVI. How to Contact Us
If you have any questions or comments about the content of this User Agreement, or if you have any questions or comments about the practice of Westlake Lab in this User Agreement, you can contact us through the official contact information of Westlake Laboratory.
E-mail: wekwikgene@westlake.edu.cn
Address: No. 18, Shilongshan Street, Xihu District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province
Postal code: 310024
In order to ensure that we can handle your problems efficiently and provide you with timely feedback, you are required to provide proof of identity, valid contact information, written request or other relevant proof, and we will reply to you within 30 days after verifying your identity.
If you are not satisfied with our reply, or have any dispute over the content of this Agreement, you shall first settle it through friendly negotiation, and if you still cannot reach an agreement through negotiation within 30 days from the date of occurrence of the dispute, you may submit the aforesaid dispute to the people's court where Westlake Laboratory is located for litigation.

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